Back in Florida

After spending 12 days back home with our family for the holidays we are now back in FL. The weather in Cleveland was 10 to 20o above normal and no snow. We flew back on New Years Eve and checked into one of our favorite campgrounds, Lithia Springs Park on the Alafia River. There is a put-in nine miles upstream and we can take-out at our campsite. The campground host offered to shuttle us with our canoe. There are 30 miles of bike paths in the Fish Hawk Ranch subdivision which is connected the the park.  FishHawk Bike Paths

The only campsite that was open is across the street from where we would like to camp and is not too level, so after waiting for the site 50 across from us to check-out on Thursday we switched sites. We plan to spend a full 2 weeks at the park before moving further south. See the map below which show all the places we will be for the next two months. The numbers are the order we will hit them. We have reservations for all the campgrounds except for Lithia Springs which is first come gets a site.

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