Cheat at Parsons

Cheat Canyon - Paddlers traditionally go by the gage painted on the bridge pier in Albright.

A good correlation for predicting Albright future level is to subtract 2.3' from the Parson's Gauge about 10-20 Hrs in advance.
At high flows it only takes 10 hours but at low flows it takes 20 hrs to reach Albright
Parson's 5 day Prediction
If the time on chart is not current, click reload frame.

USGS SR26 Albright Bridge Gauge
Parsons Gauge

Forks of the Cheat
The Parsons gage can also be used for predicting the level of many of the other tributaries like:

AWA - Dry Fork
AWA - Laurel Fork
AWA - Shavers Fork

See the Correlation of tributaries

AWA - Cheat Narrows
AWA - Cheat Canyon

Cheat Narrows Bike & River Trail Map