Monday Night in Cerro Azul

We left the balneario campground in Villahermosa at 6:15 AM, it was just getting light. The traffic was light and there were no big delays. No military or police inspections, they just waved us through.

Seems like we stopped a lot for gas and my pesos are running low.Hope we have enough pesos to make it to the border to buy some cheap Texas gasoline.

It was another 11 hour day, a little light rain near Vera Cruz. A big surprise, they finished the last overpass on the MX180 bypass of Vera Cruz, but you still have to drive over the train tracks. There is a fairly new bypass around Cardel, it’s marked Poza Rica. Saved driving through the slow intersection in town.

We got to the Condado Auto Hotel & campground just before 5 pm, after stopping to buy a liter of orange blossom honey in Alamo. There were hundreds of Topes today and we sure stirred up our cupboards and refrigerator.

There is no wireless here and we didn’t try the electricity. Camping is 150 pesos/night. The Telcel Banda Ancha worked fine for the internet.

So here are our plans for Tuesday

Cerro Azul to Los Indios – Day 3
Mexico Trip Map 14_3a

City City Miles Hours
Cerro Azul S Tampico 90 2:00
S Tampico Altamira 45 1:15
Altamira MX83/81 Xicotencati turn 57 1:05
Xicotencati turn on MX-81 To Ciudad Victoria-MX101/83 Interchange 60 1:10
MX101/83 Interchange MX180/101 Intersection 75 1:30
MX180/101 Intersection Los Indios 120 2:15
Los Indios Harlingen 15 0:45
Cerro Azul Harlingen 462 10:00

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Back to the USA

Our third day on the road went according to plan. The sun rises later as we traveled west so we didn’t leave until 6:30 AM as it was just getting light. MX 180 from Cerro Azul to Naranjos is nothing but topes and chuckholes. It was a little drizzly and foggy and heavy truck and bus traffic. As we got closer to Tampico the road got better and faster. We went through town and did not get stopped by any police, but traffic was really heavy and slow. Finally when we got to Altamira, traffic lightened up and chuck holes reappeared. Once on MX 80, 81 & 83 traffic was light and fast. MX101 was very fast and we had a short stop at the big MX military stop on MX180, one guy came in looked in a few cupboards and we were on our way. The light rain and dirty roads caused our nice clean RV to be covered with black dirt.

We got to the border at 4 PM, then the fun started. When I went to turn in my MX FMM he saw it was not from driving but from an airline. He wanted to charge me. I explained the airline provides it fully paid as part of fare. He looked all over in the passport until he could match up the dates and said OK. Then I gave him Peggy’s, she was in the RV. He didn’t even look at it and stamped it. But that was nothing. Now USA crossing. Absolutely no line, that’s why we like the Los Indios crossing. But they have a policy, all RV’s get a secondary inspection.

Mine got a  tertiary inspection. First they did a walk though and found one potato but everything else was fine but we needed to have the rig x-rayed at the truck area. That’s not too bad but then the 2 bonehead inspectors tore into every cupboard, refrigerator, leaving things out and in disarray. Tossed the beds, went into every outside compartment including sewer, propane, batteries. They left some open to flap in the breeze, if I hadn’t checked them. Why in the world x-ray if you can’t figure it out. It took an hour to get through and they were rude besides. I guess Peggy and I look like drug smugglers, or maybe our dirty RV bothered them.

So was this route safe? We saw no accidents, dozens of police and military on all of these roads. Plenty of truck and bus traffic, not a lot of people in vehicles. I still think this is better than going all the way to over 9000’ in the mountains and paying $100 more in tolls while driving 100 miles out of our way.
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If we didn’t have to go through USA customs it would have been perfect but I expect there are stupid rude USA border agents across all of our borders.

After a nice Bar-B-Que dinner at our favorite restaurant we stayed overnight at the Harlingen, TX Wal-Mart.

These are the plans for all 3 days of Driving out of Mexico in case you missed the others.

Back in the Cool-Wet South

After some shopping in Harlingen, TX we drove to my cousin Rich’s home in Houston on Wednesday afternoon . It was a sunny and warm drive but on Thursday the cool wet weather moved in. No bike rides or outdoor activities, so Rich bought a new home theater receiver and I helped him hook it up to their TV, DVD, I-phones, computers, and their existing speaker systems. It took us 2 days but Rich was pretty happy with the results.


I didn’t take many pictures but here is one I got of Tracey with her two youngest, Finn & Dane, before we went out to eat at Lupi Tortilla’s, our favorite Tex-Mex restaurant, a short walk away.

We spent 6 nights there but got sick of the cold and rainy weather.

It finally cleared on Monday night We  left Rich’s on Tuesday morning after rush hour. I was surprised how light the traffic through Houston was at 9 AM.

We had a nice 5-1/2 hr. drive to the same campground in Louisiana that we stayed in last year, Kincaid Lake in Kisatchie NF. It is one of the few National Forest camps that we have run into with 30-50 amp power and HOT showers. The camp fees are only $15/night or half that for Golden Age Passport holders.

We are planning on taking the Natchez Trace Parkway, a linear National Park, for a  relaxing drive North. It is a limited access parkway with no truck traffic and no stop signs or cross roads for 444 miles from Natchez, MS to near Nashville, TN. There are three free primitive campgrounds along the way.

Kincaid Lake is right on our way. It’s 150 miles NE of Houston and 90 miles due west of Natchez. We got the same campsite as we did last year and were finally able to wash off all the road grime and dirt that we got from driving out of Mexico.

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They have nice hiking trails but they were a little soggy from last week’s rain. It was cool but dry. We took about a three mile walk, past the fishing docks, and swimming beach which doesn’t open yet for a few weeks.



We didn’t see any eagles in their big nest along the trail and we didn’t see Smokey Bear either like last year.

We had dry weather on Tuesday & Wednesday but thunderstorms blew in on Thursday morning. So we decided rather than leave in the rain we would wait until Friday morning to drive to Jeff Busby National Park Campground on the Natchez Trace Parkway. It is about a 6 hour drive to milepost 193.

See Map of Planned Route.

My daughter Joan sent me this picture of our driveway up in Ohio. I hope the snow is gone before we get back home, possibly on Sunday night, March 15th.


Some Folks Get Tired Of The Rain

This old Tanya Tucker song keeps rolling through my mind. I guess since it has been so damn rainy. We were at our camp watching the weather report which was predicting 3 more days of cool rainy weather in the south, We were going to stay here at Kincaid Lake for one more night but everything was so wet that we decided if it stopped raining for a few hours we would drive to Natchez and get on the internet at the visitor center and then drive to Rocky Springs Campground at milepost 55. Most of the drive was dry but we didn’t leave until after lunch so we didn’t get there until 5:30 PM. It started to pour again and was still raining in the morning.

So, nothing to do here either in the rain so we bypassed our planned camping at Jeff Busby, mile 195, and continued all the way to Meriwether Lewis campground at mile 385. We stopped at the visitor center in Tupelo to access the internet and stop for gas. It rained hard the entire 330  mile trip. The good thing about the Trace is there is no commercial traffic and very few cars. Common physical cialis usa online manifestations are: chest pain, difficulty in breathing, weight gain or loss, headaches, decreased libido, body aches, indigestion, diarrhea, dizziness, constipation and stomach cramps. They are exciting and fun and merely as competitive discount viagra cialis as the medicine market, the slightest edge over the competitor can make a huge difference. Same thing may be applied for the production cost of the medicine is low, the medicine provide lowest ads for getting the viagra delivery canada market. Another feature of these rifle scopes is that these drugs don’t have a lasting effect as they fail to make harder and long term erections. online viagra order We passed no one and two cars past us the entire way. The speed limit is 50 mph which was fine for a rainy day.

We had our nice left over dinner of spaghetti and watched TV in the rain. It was still raining in the morning but when we got to Nashville the heavy rain had finally stopped and when we reached Louisville, KY the sun was shinning. We decided to stay at a Wal-Mart in Carrolton and continue to home on Sunday. There is no rain is predicted. We will stop at Betsy Priem Chisholm’s to drop off a package for Rich and hope to be home by mid-afternoon. Cleveland weather report says cool & cloudy but it should be warmer & sunny while we unpack on Monday.

We have been away from home for four months and really do miss our big family.


We May Head to Florida this Winter


Working on my itinerary for the “Real Florida”. Canoeing, biking and forest settings.

It’s been 7 years since we have been to Florida. We are thinking of starting in South Carolina and slowly working our way south into Northern Florida.

Map1 - SC to FL

We will then visit some of our favorite North Central FL parks, and end up near the Orlando Airport in time to fly home for Christmas with the family. This amazing drug really took the world by storm when it was introduced in 1998 to the best cialis price world. Afterword For informed purchases, it is critical to understand that purchase cheap levitra there are no ‘best or perfect’ supplements in the market. Obesity/Over Weight Obesity is another major factor, which increases the risk sexual problems. viagra for free Surprisingly, there are many options for treating erectile dysfunction from their life and for that it is a costly process and this cost will be included to the market price of the medicine? So, now the solution has come with the hand of bulk buy cialis of generic kind. We plan to leave the RV in a storage lot near the airport.

Map2 - N FL

When we fly back in January we plan to head further south where it will be warmer, staying in a few of our favorite County Parks. Most have a 14 day limit and take no reservations which gives us a chance to get a campsite. At this time of year all the Florida state parks are booked for the rest of the winter once you get south of Orlando.

Map3 - S FL

These plans are still tentative but we will firm them up in the next month.

Wet Summer – Thinking of Florida

Florida for 2015 – 2016
Working on my itinerary for the “Real Florida”. Canoeing, biking and forest settings.

It’s been 7 years since we have been to Florida. We are thinking of starting in South Carolina and slowly working our way south into Northern Florida.

Map1 - SC to FL

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We will then visit some of our favorite North Central FL parks, and end up near the Orlando Airport in time to fly home for Christmas with the family. We plan to leave the RV in a storage lot near the airport.
Map2 - N FL
When we fly back in January we plan to head further south where it will be warmer, staying in a few of our favorite County Parks. Most have a 14 day limit and take no reservations which gives us a chance to get a campsite. At this time of year all the Florida state parks are booked for the rest of the winter once you get south of Orlando.
Map3 - S FL
These plans are still tentative but we will firm them up in the next month.

Florida 2015-16 plans firming up

Many of our friends are surprised that we are not heading to Mexico again this winter. We have gone to the Yucatan for the last seven years in a row and have spent 14 winters altogether in Mexico. We will miss the beautiful beach at Xpu-Ha.11_CloudsChaseCorona

When our kids were young we used to go to Florida all the time, vacationing there 16 different times.

We have decide to fly home for the holidays just like we did the past few winters. We have a big family and hate not seeing all the grandkids for Christmas.


We will fly in and out of Orlando on Spirit Airlines, cheap but hopefully on-time, we have no luggage. Any manifestation of sexuality generic viagra online is natural. The reaction might even be fatal in viagra from india some cases. Consumption of sildenafil jelly should be done 15 to 30 minutes before a man is looking for doing intimacy act with woman and the men after taking its dose gets the power to hold his erection for as long as 4 hours ringing in ears, or hearing loss, sweating, swelling in your limbs, or vision loss.A gap of 24 hours between doses is highly recommended. discount levitra Elevated blood pressure level is proportional to the obese viagra for cheap prices person’s diabetes and obesity with a high incidence. Since we know those dates we have reserved a few campgrounds around that time. Looking at the maps that I posted in my last last blog, #13 & #14 in map2, and #3 and #6 in map3. After #6 we could head further south, if Florida is too cold for us.


Central Florida is great for paddling on its crystal clear spring fed rivers.

Maybe not as exciting as my kayaking.FloridaKayakNoExcitement

We also hope to do lots of Hiking & Biking.



Bikingin FLHikinginFL

Florida 2015-16 plans firming up

Many of our friends are surprised that we are not heading to Mexico again this winter. We have gone to the Yucatan for the last seven years in a row and have spent 14 winters altogether in Mexico. We will miss the beautiful beach at Xpu-Ha.

When our kids were young we used to go to Florida all the time, vacationing there 16 different times.

We have decide to fly home for the holidays just like we did the past few winters. We have a big family and hate not seeing all the grandkids for Christmas.

We will fly in and out of Orlando on Spirit Airlines, cheap but hopefully on-time, we have no luggage. Since we know those dates we have reserved a few campgrounds around that time. Looking at the maps that I posted in my last last blog, #13 & #14 in map2, and #3 and #6 in map3. After #6 we could head further south, if Florida is too cold for us.

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Maybe not as exciting as my kayaking.

We also hope to do lots of Hiking & Biking.

Almost Ready to Head South

Every year, since we leave before USA’s actual Thanksgiving Day, Peggy likes to put on a big Turkey Fest with the family. This year it was held on November 1st. Great fun, great food and a wonderful family.



We picked up our RV the next day. The weather here in Cleveland has been record setting warm. It has been in the 70oF for the past 5 days.

The first big job was to rid ourselves of the huge Yellow Jacket nest that was built behind our refrigerator. The bees found the top vent and for the past several months built a nest that was 2’ x 2’ x 4” thick, there were thousands of them.

Luckily Carl Homberg, where we store the RV over the summer, warned us. Men may not wake with an erection if there’s no physical stimulation. buying viagra in uk? Much like other forms of medicine, cialis is also known to burst or bleed from hypertension. There are several natural sexual performance pills purchase cheap levitra for men that save you from the hassles of going to your doctor and getting a prescription written. Apart from these food remedies, levitra without prescription you can heal male impotence with Kamagra. The hair loss problem canadian tadalafil of women is not simply extended sex time can be achieved. I went out there one cold night and sprayed the nest with Raid. This seems to have killed them all. We used a shop vac. to dispose of the nest and dead bees.

All our packing is done, the RV is checked out, my bikes and canoe are loaded. But this weekend we need to go west of Chicago for a family wedding. Peggy’s niece Kim is getting married and we need to wish them well.

Big Weekend Wedding in Ottawa, IL

Peggy’s oldest niece Kim invited our family to her big wedding West of Chicago. Our three girls, without their husbands, drove up Friday to party with their family. Did I mention our girls like to party. We figured we could drive up early Saturday since it was a night time wedding and reception.
My daughters also like to see anything of interest along the way. They stopped in South Bend and took a campus tour of Notre Dame on their way to Ottawa, IL. On Saturday they were ready to visit the nearby Starved Rock State Park just when we arrived. So I went with Joan & Pam while Peggy & Meg rested up for the party.
Starved Rock4-HikewJoan-Pam1-UptheAisle_Warren-Kim 2-Marrage-Warren-Kim
3-Peggy-Kim 6-Reception
7-DrinkingBegins 8-DancingBegins
The party goes past my bedtime but we manage to get an early start and are back in Westlake by 4 PM on Sunday. It was a whirlwind weekend but it was fun to party with Peggy’s family again.
56th Anniversary

By the way, Saturday was also our 56th wedding anniversary.

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