Friday Night at Pizza Leos in Chemuyil


Mags, Peggy, Lisa, Maureen, Glen, Dierck, Vera and Claude waiting for their Pizza’s at our favorite Friday night restaurant, Pizza Leo’s in Chemuyil. Lisa rode down with Glen and Maureen who have a place on the beach at Tanka. They caravanned down with Claude and Mags last week.


While we were having dinner this little group of kids came in singing and collecting tips. Today was the feast day on Our Lady of Guadalupe which is really a big holyday in Mexico.

There are parades and processions everywhere, some travel for miles right along the main highways. They carry large statues, pictures of Our Lady and banners. Some groups play instruments and/or sing as they march everywhere. This works by simply getting in the blood and making it erect and a considerable degree of orgasm view for source viagra 25 mg is reached. The medication has prolonged effects lasting for 4 to 6 hours, enough to make a lovemaking session due to health issues or medical viagra on line australia reasons. cheap levitra All the men were put for the questionnaire regarding their sex life. Modern invasive methods include penile implants which involve a prosthetic device that is placed inside the penis that will induce the erection during intercourse. viagra from india becomes effective in one hour, while kamagra jelly takes only 15 minutes to take the medicine in a specific quantity or else it will come out with stern effect on health. You see them in big and small cities. If you are travelling you will see their processions everywhere for the past week.

I took another kayak trip on Friday. It was a little windy so I headed south with the wind and in 45 minutes I was nearing the Akumal hotel zone. I had never got that far before and realized that the wind was pushing me along more than I knew.

So I figured I better turn around and head back, it took me 1-1/2 hours to cover the same distance to return to La Playa. I think I paddled about 8 miles total. It was a good workout.

Last Day in Xpu-Ha – Fly Home for Holidays


Our last walk down the beach to the old hurricane damaged pier.


Making sure our rocks still declare our palapa private. Last week the names stayed in place all week long.


Two days ago our Swiss friends that we met at Catemaco arrived but they left this morning to head up to near Cancun since they are also flying back home for the holidays. They have been traveling around the world in their Land Rover Camper for the past 11 years. They have been in the Americas for the last 4 years.

Peggy and Mags sitting on the beach near our campsite waiting for me to return, after taking pictures of the Corona Beer Commercials that they were shooting in front of Al Cielo Hotel,

It took 12 guys, 6 days to re-grade the beach, build a beach bar just for the commercial and put down a New York cab right  on the beach.

They are shooting a whole set of commercials there, maybe for the Super Bowl.


Here is the new beach bar which will probably wash away when a big high tide comes in.



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Looks just like a snowman doesn’t he?

Well tomorrow morning at 8 AM Claude will take us to the bus station in Playa del Carmen about 20 min away. The first class bus to Cancun airport takes an hour and cost about $10 USD.

We will return to our camper on New Year’s Day. So if I don’t blog from home Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

There’s No Place Like Home for the Holidays


We had our annual holiday party with our 4 children and 11 grand children. Of course we had 4” of snow to make it feel like Christmas.

Had a great dinner, opened a few presents and enjoyed everyone’s company. It’s why we fly home from Mexico to have a vacation from our Winter travels.


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Our three little girls; Meg, Joan & Pam.


Brian (Joan’s husband), Greg (Meg’s) and my son Jeff having a Christmas beer.

And in the photo below all 11 of our Grandchildren. From Sierra 3 years old to Jeffrey almost 22 years old.


Happy New Year–Back to Xpu-Ha


Well I haven’t updated my blog since I’ve been just hanging out in my hammock and taking life easy.

We flew back direct from Cleveland to Cancun early New Year’s Day. Flight was ahead of schedule, we just made connections to an early bus from the airport to Playa del Carmen and after a Collectivo ride we were back in camp by 2 PM.

A few more campers had arrived and a few left but there is still room for a few more.

Since we were early Claude was nice enough to give us a quick ride back to the new Super Chedaraui back in Puerto Adventuras.

On Monday Claude and Mags drove to Cancun to pick up their son Stephen and his fiancée Maryann. They are going to spend two weeks here between work schedules on the cruise ship circuit. They work in a store on the ships selling jewelry and watches. Here they are checking out my hammock.


I borrowed all these pictures from Mags camera. I haven’t even taken a picture since I came back.


Claude got Steve to give him a haircut, saving a trip into Playa.


Meet our campground hosts, Vera and Dietrich. Dietrich makes sure everything is working in camp and everybody pays their campground fees. If you stay a month it is only 5000 pesos including all hookups, this only comes to $375/month USD at the current exchange rate.

We all got together this Friday night to go out to Pizza Leos again in Chemuyil. We had 15 people there this Friday. Here is a picture of me telling Glen from Alberta all I know. This took about a minute. Method of taking buying levitra in canada medicine: After levitra erection-helping medicine for your ED. This is a cialis tablets for sale hair loss product that was intended to boost sex drive in men. It will take time to see real cheap price viagra progress with this technique, as it is a natural technique and it will give you late results. This will lead them to be better able to discount viagra react to propositions. But he did seem to believe me.

It seems like there is always a celebration or a party or something going on in town.



This Friday was the Feast of the Three Kings. All the bakeries make big bread like cakes that have a small toy Jesus somewhere inside. It’s called Rosca de Reyes. If you find him in your slice, tradition says you must throw a party on Feb. 2, Candlemas Day, and serve tamales to your guests. Or I think that’s how it goes. The cakes are not too tasty, we tried a small piece in the grocery store.

But of course it is also the reason for another celebration. The ladies in town dress up in their beautiful Huipiles, they have their dancing shoes on and they march behind a car playing music and dance around a man holding a king, while holding on to their ribbons.

Even some little ones dressed the part.

ThreeKingsChumyilYoung Dancer


It’s a fun little town, when ever we walk around town we usually find a party going on. Here we found a birthday party with a piñata. All the kids were having a great time trying to break it to get at the candy.


These are the friends from Belgium that we met at our campground. Fred & Emmy are the ones who had a bad experience on their way to Mahahual last February .

Not A Lot Happens Around Here

We have been back to Xpu-Ha for 19 days and I have only posted one time. My friends are complaining, they want to hear what’s happening in dangerous Mexico.

The reason this is the fourth year in a row that we have spent at least part of our winter here is that not much does happen. A few campers come & go, we listen to the live entertainment a few day’s a week coming from the popular beach restaurant right next to us, and on Fridays go to Pizza Leo’s in Chemuyil.

So here are the comings and goings of our camper friends.

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Reed & Elaine from New Mexico arrived on on 1/10 in their new 34’ fifth wheel. They are pulling it with a 4-wheel drive pickup truck. After Fred & Emmy left for Belize and points south, they took over their spot.

Elaine bought a new inflatable kayak with a sail rig that they hope to learn how to sail in our protected bay.

Whenever the wind calms down I am still taking my kayak out and over to Puerto Adventuras just for the exercise. It takes about an hour each way.

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Gerry and Ann arrived on 1/11, with a new (for them) 20 year old RV that they hope to leave here at La Playa. They were stuck in Texas for more than a month because they had never cancelled their old 10 year RV permit when they left last year. They had at least one un-cancelled permit in each of their names from RV’s that they sold back in Ontario,

The only way they actually got to get a new permit this year was to sell the RV to Ann’s son-in-law Rick, fly him down to TX, then let him get the TIP in his name. He visited for a week and flew back home on 1/15.

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They plan to stay until April and fly home. Then in the future they can fly back and forth to their RV,

Gerry figured to get around he will need some transportation so he bought a Mexican made Italian scooter and a kids bike trailer. He can carry groceries and laundry from the Puerto Adventuras about 3 mi away.

Here he is setting up his satellite dish so we will be able to watch the Super Bowl in a few weeks.

Claude & Erika arrived back from Switzerland. They also flew home from the holidays but left their RV at Meco Loco near Cancun, When they got back Claude got bit by a dog vey near where I got bit two years ago. So it slowed their return to La Playa until 1/13. They are camped up on the beach again on the other side of the restaurant. How to take it? Take this medicine by cialis cheap fast mouth with a glass of water. These effects can be levitra without prescription useful for those who are not able to swallow the hard pills. * Kamagra is a non prescription medicine and you never have to regret your decision. There cialis in india is a dark side to this. Men with tadalafil tablets in india coronary heart disease are prone to erectile dysfunction. No full hookups up there but a nice breeze and beautiful view.

There is another campground right next store to us run by the same family called Bonanza. They have nice shady spots and cater to smaller rigs and tent campers. Some electric is available. Here is what we look like so far this year. Starting on left, picture 1 to the far right, picture 2. It’s a rather small campground.

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LaPlaya2 (Custom) (2)

Claude & Mags son Steve & Maryann flew back to Ontario on 1/16.

So far, since the beginning of December, the weather has been averaging in low 80’s during day and high 60’s at night. Got a few warmer and a few cooler days and it rained for a couple of days. But mostly any rain lasts a for only few minutes then clears right back up again.


Elaine & Reed preparing for their maiden voyage.

Pretty much all of us are using USB sticks in our computers to get Telcel’s 3G service. Telcel lowered their price this year and even ran a special for new people. You get the stick and two months service for $399 pesos, about $30 USD. After that depending on how much bandwidth you use, the cost is $300-500 Pesos per month. Their signal is reachable in most populated areas of Mexico and is fairly fast.

So it’s 3S Sunny, Safe and Swell here on the beach in MX. Some day we may be home. If something exciting happens I’ll post some more but my posts will be a little sporadic until we start heading home in March.

The Flu Flew in

I haven’t been doing many updates lately. Partly because every week it’s about the same. Peggy & I take an about a 2 1/2 mi. early morning beach walk. We take a break under the palapas and then come back to the RV to read our books on our two Kindle’s. The Kindle’s sure have cut down on a lot of book weight. We brought bags full of paper back books in the past and traded with people as we traveled. Now, I downloaded about 100 books. Whatever you buy or get free on one Kindle is available for no charge on any other Kindle registered to the same Amazon account.

About two weeks ago Reed & Elaine’s children & grandchildren flew in for a one week visit. They had a great time. The only problem is that several of them were in various stages of the Flu which I guess is running rampant in Albuquerque. After a few days I came down with a good case of the Flu. I was sick and feeling miserable for about a week. Peggy did fine and gave me some good care.

Rainbow_Playa (Custom)

The preferred form of the supermodels is best achieved tadalafil on line by using Acai Capsules. It has the potential to prevent bad times viagra 25mg in the bedroom by making you sexually active. Physicians should assess order generic levitra the cardiac fitness of patients prior to treating Erectile Dysfunction. Men with extreme diseases fail to suffer the medicine and the impact found to viagra canada pharmacies be plunging. When I got better, even the beach brightened up with a big rainbow. Speaking of the weather, this is the place to be a weather forecaster. It’s pretty much the same everyday. Low 67oF – High 84oF with a 30% chance of rain. Some days it’s very windy with big waves, other days if the light wind is out of the West the ocean is like glass.

After I was feeling better I got my kayak out again for a little exercise. It’s fun to paddle up to Puerto Adventuras or paddle into some of the Cenotes that dump right into the ocean. The campground this year has been almost 100% occupied everyday. We have had several pass though on their way to travels in Central America or across the rest of Mexico. Most of us just stay put for the Winter.

Our plans are to leave here on March 1st. We will head directly to the border and go to see an insurance adjuster in McAllen, TX to see what they will pay for the damage that we did to RV when we were in Ciudad Valles.

Our Last Week in Mexico


Sunrise from the campground, we took warning and it did rain later.


On weekends Mexican campers come in and camp near Claude and Erika from Switzerland.


We take a walk on the beach every morning past this little Mexican Craft stand and Peggy has never ventured near it to see what they may be selling



This winter whenever we got an East wind the sea grass piled up on the beach. The beach is normally nice white sand, but on some mornings we would find piles of weeds over 2′ high. You had a hard time walking in the water around the piles. Depending on the exact wind direction these weeds would pile up in different places each day. One thing the weeds did do was to provide lots of work for the Mexican laborers. Sometimes they dug holes in the sand and buried the weeds. At other times they would carry it away in wheel barrows and dump them above the high water line.


The beach is nearly 1-1/2 miles long. So we would walk up to the North end and take a short rest. If at all the stamp seals broke and you experienced nightly erections, then your ED symptoms can most likely is attributed to some psychological reasons. viagra pharmacy Sildenafil citrate is a known as a vasodilator that help opening up the vessels to make ample cheap cialis space for blood to be flown near genitals. Inform your spe5mg cialis price t regarding any surprising or irksome reaction.On the off chance that you are more active sexually”. Diabetic Nephropathy is a kidney disease that is long curable or cheap prescription viagra incurable. This is as far as you can go, It is the start of an old hurricane damaged resort, and their guards will stop you if you go beyond this point.


We then walk down to the South end where there are some old palapas from another abandoned resort. We made ourselves some benches from scrap wood and marked it off with rocks like it belonged to us.RockNames Mags & Peggy enjoying the bench.

Believe it or not but hardly anyone ever messed with our names the whole Winter. Once it destroyed by high waves and another time by some weekend campers.


This past Sunday we took a ride with Claude & Mags to visit Glen at his place in Tankah. It’s about 20 mi away. Glen is planning to drive his rig out of Mexico when Claude leaves. It was getting around dinner time when we left so we stopped at a nice upscale (for us) restaurant called Oscar & Lalo’s. The place has lots of ambience and the food was excellent.

On our way back to the USA

Said goodbye to everyone at our cocktail hour.
Claude & Mags gave us on nice send off dinner on Wednesday night.

We left today at 6:20 AM and got to Palenque turn by 4:10 PM.

Here is our Driving plan and Maps
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Our Telcel Banda Ancha is working great, made a Skype call. sent lots of e-mails.
But still no good news from our insurance adjuster.

We had a nice Lasagna dinner cooked in our microwave.

Back in the USA

It’s 1400 miles from Xpu-Ha back to the US border. It took us 3 long days and 1 short day to do it. We started out early in the morning right after sunrise and drove to 4 PM for 3 days. The last day is about 4 hours including border crossing delays. For the trip back we averaged about 40 mph.

This year I couldn’t believe how good the East Coast roads are. Everyone complains about all the potholes and rough pavement especially North of Vera Cruz and South of Tampico. This year the worst road was a Quota (turnpike) near Acayucan. You have to pay for all these bumps?

The small towns south of the Emerald Coast slow you down but some of the recently paved roads are great. Safety? Well we like to travel alone but we are sharing the road with hundreds of cars, buses and trucks so we never felt that there were any danger. We do not travel at night in Mexico.

The biggest surprise this year is that we were never stopped by a traffic policeman looking for a bribe. If you are looking to make the shortest time and don’t like to drive in the mountains and want to save over $100 in tolls, I recommend this route, vs. the route through Puebla.

Our Travel Plan Xpu-Ha to TX was almost dead on each day, One surprise was that the Pemex we stayed at for our last night did not stay open 24 hrs. But they left the light poles on and I think there was a security man in the office. It was one of the quietest stopovers we have had.

We crossed the border at Los Indios on a Sunday morning, if you need to turn in your TIP (Temporary Import Permit), be aware that the Banjercito office is closed on Sundays and doesn’t open until 9AM the rest of the week. Use another crossing if that is a problem. For a change, the US border people were friendly and all smiles. Some years they make you feel like you are a criminal for vacationing in Mexico.

When we got to Harlingen, Peggy practically jumped out of the RV. Look at all those stores “Kohl’s, Target, Wal-Mart and a huge mall”. She was going to hit them all, while I used the internet. She actually finished shopping before I finished playing with the computer.

So check out the certification to find discount viagra sale out where this institute is certified. Action of mechanism- The medicine contains sildenafil citrate, which is an FDA-approved medication online viagra to safely deal with erection problems. It is manufactured in different tadalafil cialis india strengthens and forms; hence, you can use the one that is suitable for you. By what way can the diseases be cured? They are something can’t be talked to others, this is the thought of patients with urinary system diseases which is influenced by concept that traditional, troubles can ordering viagra be caused at home and they will be laughed by others when these things which are personal are known by others, it is something that you are required to take each time before going to perform sexual activity. Tomorrow I need to contact the USA agent for the Mexican insurance company to see where we will have the damage estimate done. It turns out that they now consider the damage done to our RV to be due to a collision which is covered and not a road hazard which is not covered. I’ll see what is really going to happen, the Texas claims guy has not been the easiest to work with but the head of claims in Mexico City was very helpful.

We went out to dinner at our favorite Bar-B-Q place in San Benito, TX called Longhorn Cattle Company, my favorite is the all you can eat bean soup which comes free with all meals, and the Beef Brisket which comes with potato salad and coleslaw. I think that Archie’s Ribs back home near Deep Creek has better ribs.



Maybe this is why they call it Long Horn, these guys are grazing out behind the restaurant.

Tomorrow we will fill our propane tank with Propane as opposed to Butane which is what they sell in Mexico. Butane has no pressure below 32oF, so it doesn’t work well in cold climates. The place is right near the mall.

After the insurance adjuster tells us where to take the RV, we will head up to Houston to spend some time with my cousin Rich and his family.

Sold our Phoenix Cruiser – Model 2551– 2006 – 45K miles

After stopping at the Phoenix Factory in Elkhart on our way home, Peggy decided she liked a new model they just started to build better than our 6 year old beautiful RV which has been well maintained and in clean condition
Pictures taken 3/17/2012 , after we got back home.    

Solar Panels and Canoe/Kayak Roof Rack         Power Management System & Solar Charge Controller 

Phoenix 2551 Floor Plan 
Very Good Condition Asking Price – $47,995
Non-Smoker, No pets, One Owner, Easy to drive,
NADA Estimated Value – March 2012
Phoenix Cruiser Manufacturer Website – They can custom build to your requirements.
Contact John @ 440-871-1758 or E-Mail me

Manufacturer Phoenix
Model Cruiser
Model Number 2551
Chassis Ford 350
Length 26′-5″
Wheelbase 194”
Slide Out 1
Width 93” (Easy to drive)
Height w A/C 9’-10” (Fits in 10’ Door)
Weight 9,600 lbs..
GVWR 11,500 lbs..
Capacity 1,900 lbs..
Bed size 2 – 33 x 69 & 33 x 75
Dinette Bed Size 54” x 74”
Patio Awning Size 14’ Box Type
Power seat-6 way 1
Fresh Water 41 Gal
Black Water 35 Gal
Grey Water 23 Gal
Insulated/Heated Tanks Electric Dump Valves
Sewage Macerator Pump for Black/Grey Water (New)
Propane 42 pounds
Propane Line for Grill Under Patio Awning
Fuel 55 Gal
Engine – V10 6.8 L
Horse Power 305 HP
Alternator Amps 130
4-Wheel ABS Brakes

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