On the beach in Xpu-Ha

See Map 6

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Everything still looks the same

The solar arrays I have don’t seem to be able to keep up with our use of electrical power so we decided early Tuesday morning to drive to Playa del Carmen and do some shopping and then drive back south about 15 mi to La Playa campground at Xpu-ha. The batteries were down to 50% capacity and are either weak or we are using more power than we can produce with the low sun angles.

The roads were perfect, no construction all the way back and we made good time. About a 3:20 min drive including a search by a military drug dog on the way out of Mahahual. No drugas. The roads through Felipe Carrillo Puerto are unchanged, you still have to drive right through the city, but all the rest of the roads were 100 kph(60mph) with a few topes in the little towns. The new highway overpass in Playa looks done but it is not open yet. Peggy wanted to wash some clothes so we went to the laundry at the Cheduraui, did some shopping bought some Propane and still got to camp in the early afternoon.

We met our old friend Siegfried whose husband died here at Xpu-Ha a few years ago. Vera & Dierck from Germany have been here for a month and a half. We expect Ann & Gerry along with Claude & Mags to arrive tomorrow from Ontario across the lake from Cleveland. A couple of the campers moved to a new campground just North of Playa del Carmen.

We took a beach walk early this morning before it got too hot. It went down to 52oF this morning, we darn near froze to death. It’s in the high 80’s and sunny today. A week from now we will be going back home for 18 days to enjoy Christmas with our family. A vacation from our vacation. Let’s hope it doesn’t snow too much.

Snow back home in Westlake

Enjoying the Beach and Weather at Xpu-Ha

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Last Thursday we were expecting Claude & Mags along with Gerry and Ann to arrive at La Playa campground. They all live about 70 mi North of us near Chatham, ON and we camped here with them last year.

Late in the afternoon Claude rolls in and tells us the bad news. While they were camped along the road in Bacalar, Gerry & Ann were burglarized by some kids. The worst part was, besides taking their computer, they stole both sets of truck keys, so now they are stuck there until they can get some new computer programmed keys made for them.

Of course Mexico is much safer then Westlake, I read today in the news, “WESTLAKE, Ohio — Monday, December 13, 2010, Three homes were burglarized Saturday and Sunday in the same neighborhood.”, so I guess no matter where you are, watch out.

We like to walk to the end of the beach by an abandoned hotel and sit by our own private Palapa.


Of course we marked it so no one else will use it.


This is the beach directly in front of the camp.

This morning Dierck and Claude are driving 3 hrs back to Bacalar to see if they can pull Gerry’s 5th wheel back to camp so that they don’t have to sit there along along the highway. They hope they can tow his truck somewhere that is safe until the key gets made. They tried offering a reward if the kids returned his keys but no luck so far.

Getting Ready to Head Back to the Snow

Last night Claude & Dierck brought Ann back with her 5th wheel from Bacalar. Gerry is arranging to get his truck flat bedded back to Playa del Carmen where he might have better luck get some keys made. The key specialist in Chetumal could not make him a computer chip key. Gerry made it back today at 1PM so hopefully a key will get made and he will finally have his truck back.

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Beautiful Altamira Orioles fly into the pine tree behind our camper every afternoon. We also have fun feeding the iguanas right behind the fence.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, is our last day before heading back to Cleveland for the holidays. In the past we left our RV at Meco Loco Trailer Park in Puerto Juarez just North of Cancun, since we fly out of Cancun. This year we decided to leave it here at Xpu-Ha to save ourselves the drive there and back and setting up twice. It will cost a little more but since Claude was willing to drop us off in Playa del Carmen Thursday morning to catch the ADO airport bus we decided to just leave the RV where it is.

The snow is supposed to stop on Thursday but even though it is cool here I’m not sure how we will react to the freezing temperatures back home. We have 4 kids and eleven grandchildren that we are anxious to see at Christmas time and we plan to fly back right after our big New Year’s Eve celebration.

Feliz Navidad – Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year

We are back in Ohio for a family Christmas and wanted to wish all the readers of our blog a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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Here is a little entertainment for your pleasure, click the arrow in center.

Back in Mexico

Our direct flight from Cleveland was right on time. The weather when we landed was in the high 70’s. We had to wait about 30 min to catch the Playa del Carmen bus but got a Tulum Collectivo that was ready to go when we walked up. They leave from one block North of where they did last year. When we got to La Playa campground road, one of the sons of the owners, Ramon,  was there to pick up his wife so it saved us a half mile walk in the hot sun with our heavy packs.

The campground road was packed with cars. It’s a Sunday and Christmas holidays so everyone came to our beautiful beach. No new people in our campground. cheapest tadalafil india Name brand vitamin supplements pay millions of dollars in advertising their product. Which disorder leads to buying the pills of viagra pills canada . Erectile dysfunction medication is available that can cure impotence, but they have the ability to produce some or the other that are hindering the normality in the sexual lives viagra pills in canada of both men and women suffering from it. Prostatitis is one of the common diseases in adult men. sildenafil cost Everyone greeted us and had taken great care to ensure our RV was OK while we were gone. Claude checked our refrigerator every day which was acting up, to make sure that it was OK. They even swept off our patio mat and washed the salt from the windows. The place was looking good.

We met Claude and Mags son Steve, who flew down for a long holiday break. I wish our kids could fly down here some time. I’ll try to take some pictures later.

Another week of Fun & Sun

Time is flying, been back a week already. Haven’t accomplished anyhing except reading a few novels. Got three long paddles with my kayak while the seas were like glass. I even paddled all the way to Puerto Adventuras about 3 mi North of Xpu-Ha.
Yesterday we had lots of wind and choppy conditions but I really haven’t found an area that has good surfing waves.
Went out for our weekly Pizza Leos on Friday and have enough left for a piece for lunch every day, thin crust with everything including Jalapeno Peppers, Peggy takes those off.

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Last week it was a cool 60o each night. Last night it was 75oF. They are forecasting rain tomorrow but we haven’t had rain since we have been here.

Cool Week, Warm Friends

A Norther blew in this week starting with high winds, then a little rain (Our first daytime rain on the trip), then cooler weather. Highs only in the 70’s and lows in the high 50’s.  A chilly end to our friend’s, Claude & Mags, son Stephen and his friend Mary Ann who flew down from Canada to find some warm weather, They both worked on a cruise ship so really liked getting back to some Caribbean beaches. To bad they had to fly out Friday, we enjoyed their company.

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People have asked me about what else is on our little 1 –1/2mi long white sand beach. There are private homes, some that rent for a small fortune, boutique hotels, inexpensive rooms, and a large all-inclusive with 288 rooms. I took some photos to show what they look like.

Both ends of the beach have hotels that closed after a hurricane and never reopened. We like to hang out under these abandoned palapas.

This is a low end hotel almost in our campground for under $100.night



About 100 yds down the beach from camp is the Catalonia Royal Tulum, over $300 per night but it is an all inclusive with 6 restaurants and 3 bars.

Next a nice looking new 3 suiter, I’ll have to find out the name and price.


Then some private homes followed by this little place called Al Cielo with an expensive restaurant.


Next to it is the beautiful Hotel Esencia with less than 30 rooms but only includes breakfast for over $500/night. Gets rave reviews though.

So everyday we take our 3 mi walk back and forth down the beach and enjoy the fact that our monthly rate is what these people pay for a night.

The Weeks Are Flying By

I can’t believe another week has gone by. It was a hot dry week. Highs each day were in the Upper 80’s, with lows in the mid-70’s. It was partly cloudy all week but when the clouds moved out each day it seemed really warm.
A couple more RVr’s found their way to the adjacent campground. Pat & Mike Jones from Salida, CO -MikeJinCO (RVnet name) in a truck camper pulling a trailer with two large ATV’s. They are both paddlers and Mike makes wooden paddles (http://cricketdesigns.com/). They have been coming to Mexico for the past few winters and had just come this year through Chiapas. I had some bad experienecs there a few years ago and we wouldn’t go back. They ran into road blocks where the locals demanded tolls to let you by based on how much they thought you could afford. Other patients report success with such therapies as acupuncture, biofeedback view this now tadalafil canada online – a type of self-hypnosis – and other relaxation methods including meditation, and therapeutic massage. The best thing about this drug is that men can enjoy alcohol with their meals and be confident about responding to their partner in the moral sense, but overcoming the anger is for their buy sildenafil well-being and for the well-being of others (members of the family) that maybe affected by the clients negative attitude. What happens is people who genuinely believe in cialis tadalafil the issue put their name and email address on the web, either on your own websites or in discussion forums. Some stores and marketing internet sites are selling this medication and they can provide better Buy learningworksca.org pfizer viagra prix medicines without even opening this secret. They stopped everyone including buses with stop strips and wouldn’t release them until you paid. They said they wouldn’t go back either.
Another couple from Mass, Rob & Shirley arrived in a Sprinter van. They are eventually heading over to the West coast. They all came over each night to our 4 PM cocktail hours and we all told travel stories. Pat and Mike are heading to Caye Caulker in Belize to meet up with some friends in early February. They hope to leave their RV in Chetumal and take a ferry over.
By Friday they decided to move over to our campground and came out with the gang to our weekly dinner at Pizza Leos in Chemuyil. When we got back from dinner a cold front came though with a little rain but it dropped the nighttime temperature back into the high 60’s, very nice for sleeping. It is supposed to be a little cooler this week and of course they forcast a little rain each day like last week but it seldom comes.

Some Photos of New Friends

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Mike & Pat Jones from CO’s RV and trailer to haul their Quads.

Mike and Pat getting ready to ride up to Puerto Aventuras

Ralph & Patti Burns in their small Sprinter, I didn’t get a picture yet of Rob & Shirley in their Sprinter Van but here is the group heading out with Tacho on a snorkel trip.

Tacho pulling anchor, and the group heading out to snorkel.


Visit Puerto Adventuras

Claude and Mags invited us to ride over with them to spend the afternoon at Puerto Adventuras. We walked around and watched the tourists swim with the Sting Rays and Sharks as well as play with the Dolphins. Here are some photos.

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Boy being pushed by two Dolphins.


Girl feeding the Manatees Lettuce