Day Trip to Isla Mujeres

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We drove one hour North of Acamaya Reef campground, through Cancun & Puerto Juarez to MecoLoco campground. The campground is not on the beach but is only 1-1/2 miles from the Punta Beta ferry dock, so we decided a fun day trip would be to bike down to the ferry & load our bikes on board.

The one hour ferry ride including our bikes was $6 per person each way. We loaded our bikes along with the big trucks and enjoyed the views from the top deck.

Once we reached the island, it was about a 10 mile bike ride to circumnavigate the small island. The West shore was a little hilly with some light traffic.


When we reached the end of the island near Garrafon Park the traffic disappeared and the views were spectacular along the Panoramic Highway.


There was a private residence along the drive that was built in the shape of a shell. It was really cool.

After the Panoramic Highway we ended up back in the downtown area with lots of hotels, restaurants, beautiful beaches and the typical souvenir shops.

I liked the large statue in the middle of the glorietta (Traffic Circle) of a fisherman and women (Mujeres) with child.

When we were here 23 years ago I only remember a few stores and tiny hotels. It now has 15,000 residents and would be a nice place to stay for a while.

One thought on “Day Trip to Isla Mujeres”

  1. Wow, things have changed! I visited the Isla Mujeres in about 1982. Very modest, if beautiful, place. Your pictures show more of a resort than the “untouched” island I remember. Seems to me I snorkeled at a national marine park with “shark” in the name. There wasn’t even a car ferry. Made the crossing in a simple motorboat back then.

    Merry Christmas to you and Peggy and the family. Safe travels.

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