Wednesday got an early 6:45AM start for our next campground, Freedom Shores, on Isla Aguada. Several other campers are leaving today for the same location. The drive took us a little longer than we planned, we arrived about 3 PM. We stopped before the border with the State of Campeche to hide some of our illegal food, eggs, pork, chicken and fruit. It seems like the two states don’t like each other’s food. They found no contraband items in our RV. The traffic in Ciudad del Carmen, an island that we had to pass through, was bad. The only three campers here were the ones we had met at Catemaco.

The campsites are right on a nice beach facing the bay next to the toll bridge that we had to cross. They also have a few hotel rooms and a restaurant. Their season doesn’t get going for a few more weeks and they hope to have wireless internet at that time.
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You can walk the deserted, shell covered beach for a miles without seeing anyone.
The campsites have large concrete pads & patios. Electrical power is good but not high enough amperage to run an A/C which is really not needed with the nice shade and good breeze. Our neigbor blew his breaker when he tried.
Thanksgiving Day was 80o and sunny. We took our morning beach walk and lounged around getting some book reading in. Many of the small town’s streets are paved and the taxi system uses motorcycles pulling rickshaws.On Friday we took a bike ride all over town and looked for the one internet place that was supposed to open from 10am-2pm. At 10:15 it still wasn’t open. I heard it was supposed to reopen at 6 PM. At 6:30 it still was not open.

The weather has been just perfect, the place is quiet, so we decided to stay two more days and leave on Sunday morning for Bacalar. One couple left on Friday and the other two on Saturday, so unless someone comes today we will have the place to ourselves.
Map – Isla Aguada to Bacalar