The "Keel-Haulers Self-Rating System" presented below is only intended to
provide a general guideline for the paddler and should not be considered a
substitute for a realistic evaluation of one's own paddling skills. Each person
is responsible for his or her own safety and for determining whether he or she
has the skills necessary to run any of the rivers in the accompanying "River
Classifications" list or to participate in
any river trips.
Rate yourself for each category to arrive at your own personal rating. Your
score should take into account the type of boat you are paddling and the partner
(if any) you are paddling with. The score for a tandem team is the average of
the two paddler's ratings. Then compare your rating to the river rating chart
which will automatically appear when you press SUBMIT. If your score is more
than 3 points lower than the river you are considering, second thoughts should
be given to the risks involved to yourself and other members of your group
The Self Test was designed by John Kobak, the automatic scoring Code was written by Pete Staehling