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Cuyahoga River at Jaite
Paddling Range 300-5000 CFS
Rocky River Info
Paddling Range 1000-3000 cfs to Lake
Vermilion River Info Paddling Range 2.8'-6'

Chagrin River Info Paddling Range 250-1500 cfs

Little Beaver Creek

Lower Yough Info Range 1.5'-6'
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Cuyahoga River Info
SheratonRange200-1000CFS GorgeRange500-1500CFS

Tinkers Creek Info Paddling Range 400-1000 CFS

West Branch Rocky River
Paddling Range 250 to 1000 cfs

Grand River Info Paddling Range - 2'-6'

Slippery Rock Creek Info
Paddling Range 250-3000 cfs - Below Eckert 400-5000 cfs

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I can add more charts or info, e-mail John Kobak-Webmaster suggestions